1957 – 2020
Christos Tsenekidis was born in Melisohori, Drama. His family moved to Korino, Katerini, where he grew up as well. He studied in Thessaloniki as an electrical technician and received further training in Sweden. He is later employed by the Public Power Corporation (DEI).
He begins playing the lyra from the age of 16 being taught at first by Nikos Somataridis; after listening and being influenced by first generation lyra players (born in Pontos), he acquires his own musical personality. He is true to his roots – his family hails from Trapezounta and Sourmena – and attempts to be true to the traditional way of playing his entire life.
His first recording was in 1978 together with ERT in a national recording of traditional music called “Laikos Heimonas ” (The People’s Winter). One of the highlights of his career was his collaboration with Chrysanthos for three years, performing together in Greece and Europe, and also recording with him in the studio. During his professional career he creates a musical workshop in Ptolemaida that attracts many new talents.
He has also recorded with the clarinet players from Florina, Kostas Kalpatsinidis and Dimitrios Sebastopoulos “Mia Vradia sthn Florina” (An evening in Florina), as well as the recording “Santetka Tragodias” (Songs of Santa) with Haralambos Efraimidis.
His appearances in Europe were many. He has performed several times in the USA accompanying traditional dance groups at FDF (the Hellenic Folf Dance Festival) as well as performing with the Kalpatsinidis Ensemble.
Λαϊκος Χειμώνας (1978). O Χρήστος Τσενεκίδης παίζει λύρα και τραγουδάει στο τραγούδι “Εμέν κι εσέν πι θα χωρίζ”.
Laikos Heimonas (People’s Winter) (1978). Christos Tsenekidis plays lyra and sings the song “Emen ki esen pi tha horiz”.
Χρυσή Παράδοση (1991) του Χρύσανθου Θεοδωρίδη. Ο κ. Τσενεκίδης παίζει λύρα στα τραγούδια “Εννενήντα Xορτοθέρ” και “Ναϊλη εσέν Γετίμογλη”.
Hrisi Paradosi (Golden Tradition) (1991) with Chrisanthos Theodoridis. Mr. Tsenekidis plays lyra on the tracks “Enneninta hortother” and “Naili esen Getimogli”.
Ποντιακό Γλέντι στην Φλώρινα (1998). Μαζί με το συγκρότημα Κώστα Καλπατσινίδη – Δημήτρη Σεβαστόπουλο. Ζωντανή ηχογράφηση.
Pontian Glenti in Florina (1998). Together with the clarinet players Kostas Kalpatsinidis and Dimitris Sebastopoulos. Live recording.
Παραδοσιακά Τραγούδια της Σάντας του Πόντου (2003).Τραγουδάει ο Χαράλαμπος Ευφραιμίδης.
Traditional Songs of Santa, Pontos (2003). Haralambos Efraimidis, vocals.
Το Μεκατίρι μ’ (2016) του Γιάννη Τσανασίδη. Συμμετέχει o Χρήστος Τσενεκίδης στο τραγούδι “Ετσόκεψεν η δείσα”.
To Mekatiri m’ (2016) with Giannis Tsanasidis. Christos Tsenekidis sings the song “Etsokepsen i disa”.
Για όλους τους φίλους του Χρήστου Τσενεκίδη, Παρασκευή 21 Φεβρουαρίου, 2020 στις 14:30 θα βρίσκεται η σορός του στον Ιερό Ναό Δώδεκα Αποστόλων Κορινού Πιερίας κ στις 15:30 η Εξοδιος Ακολουθία. Η οικογένεια επιθυμεί αντί στεφάνων να δωθουν χρήματα στη Μέριμνα Ποντίων Κυρίων Θεσσαλονίκης.Επίσης συνεργάστηκε με τον παλαίμαχο αυθεντικό Σαντέτε τραγουδιστή Χαράλαμπο Εφραιμιδη στο CD “ΣΑΝΤΕΤΚΑ ΤΡΑΓΟΔΙΑΣ”.
Radio Trapezounta Boston
Dedicated to the Musical Traditions of Hellenic Pontos